So some of you may be wondering what's been happening in the Cut Copy camp of late. 'They've gone all quiet' I hear you cry... 'I heard that mitchell compound fractured his arm in a bar brawl with Knightlife and may never drum again'... 'I heard they went to LA to record but instead and have been camped in a tent outside Lindsay Buckingham's Laurel Canyon estate'... 'I heard their synths short circuited after being submerged in water tank'. Well in actual fact there is some truth to each of these rumours, but in honesty we've actually been quite busy.
To those who missed it, we've released a new single 'So Haunted' to radio and online, we've completed an Australian east coast tour previewing material from our forcoming record, we've been putting together a psychedlic disco mixtape called 'So Cosmic' containing snippets of new tracks and music that inpired the record (stay tuned on how to get a copy), and we've been working on remixes for our friends the Mercy Arms, Midnight Juggernauts and Damn Arms. And not to mention preparing for our December tour with our french God parents - Daft Punk. No rest for cutters...