Having endured infinite numbers of emails and myspace requests, we have some good news to share with our loyal fans and supporters. Finally... we're excited to announce that the new Cut Copy album will be released in Australia in February 2008. Having been in recording and mixing for the majority of this year, the long awaited sophmore record, featuring the production talents of Cut Copy and DFA's Tim Goldsworthy has been scheduled a release.
The album will comprise 16 tracks in total, including a re-recorded album version of the club hit 'hearts on fire'. Originally an australian release was planned this year, but it will be now be a fully simultaneous international release. Stay tuned for more details.
I didn't even think I had a blogger account ... weird. Anyway, that's excellent news about the album! Looking forward to it, etc, AD
holy fuck! YES!!!
i have been waiting with bated breath for so long now. listening to hearts on fire right now; can't wait!!!!
great news guys!
Happy day, Happy day!!
This album shall be my summer theme album, even if it does arrive at the end of summer, i dont care, you cant tell me what to do, you're not my real dad!
I love the projector style photograph, reminds me of your awesome yet oh so trippy projector work last time I saw you play at the manning bar, that was one wild night. see and hear you at the daft punk concert you crazy rockers..
This really makes my day even better than it already was! ^__^
This has made my day heaps Better too! Well done guys, been waiting for this album for a long time. Keep up the good work and cant wait.
Only if you guys were comming to Parklife melbourne. Would have topped it off.
Ah well, See you guys in December with Daft Punk :D
Nice work. Hope you give us some tasters at Meredith.
OH yeah !! 16 tracks of awesomeness !!!
it really sounds like cool news guys!!
i can't wait to listen it.
guys, let's think in a tour over southamerica, that we'll be amazing.
I can hardly wait!
please come to los angeles soon! i've been waiting three years to see you guys live
Hey lads, glad to hear you've locked in a release date. I can't wait to hear the new material, bought 'Hearts on Fire' of iTunes the other day and it sounds awesome.
Take care yo.
that's great, I cannot wait to hear your new cd.
you should come to Brazil!
Love your music
Come to Canada! NOW!
yes yes. we got desperate and dug up your old 2001 vinyl EP stuff to hold the appetite (which is also great)
cut copy,
what is going on with this new album? I was told it was supposed to be resealed in feb according to your website and I got an email from modular telling me that it was on sale from the 2nd of march, I went into the city specifically to buy it... not there!!! can you please give me a solid date so I can go and get it?
a bit annoyed but will get over it once I have a copy in my hands,
Aahh, release date is getting so close now!!
fabulous news! xo.
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